Services Officiels, Cneps Centre National D Education Populaire Et Sportive - Thies, Senegal
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Nom de l'entreprise
Services Officiels, Cneps Centre National D Education Populaire Et Sportive
Dixième, Thies, Senegal
Adresse du site Web
Heures de travaille
- Lundi: 09:00 - 18:00
- Mardi: 09:00 - 18:00
- Mercredi: 09:00 - 18:00
- Jeudi: 09:00 - 18:00
- Vendredi: 09:00 - 18:00
- Samedi: Closed
- Dimanche: Closed
Adresse e-mail
À propos de
Officiels, Cneps Centre National D Education Populaire Et Sportive (CNEPs) is a leading non-profit organization in Senegal that provides educational and recreational programs to the youth of the country. Founded in 1974, CNEPs has been providing educational and recreational services to the youth of Senegal for more than 40 years. Through its programs, CNEPs aims to promote physical activity and education among the youth of the country, while also teaching them the importance of healthy lifestyle habits. It offers a wide range of programs such as sports, music, theatre, art, and civic education for the youth of Senegal. CNEPs also provides training and professional development opportunities for youth in the areas of health, business, and communication. With its commitment to providing
quality services, CNEPs has become a leading organization in Senegal for education and recreational activities for the youth. Through its programs, CNEPs strives to empower the youth of Senegal and help them reach their potential.Activités d'affaires
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