Centre De Sante Camberene - Dakar, Senegal
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Nom de l'entreprise
Centre De Sante Camberene
Cambérène, Dakar, Senegal
Adresse du site Web
Heures de travaille
- Lundi: 24 hours
- Mardi: 24 hours
- Mercredi: 24 hours
- Jeudi: 24 hours
- Vendredi: 24 hours
- Samedi: 24 hours
- Dimanche: 24 hours
Adresse e-mail
À propos de
Centre De Sante Camberene is a leading healthcare provider in Senegal. Located in Dakar, it provides a wide range of medical services to the local population. It offers primary care, emergency care, and specialty care for a variety of medical needs. The Centre is staffed with experienced and competent physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. It also maintains a laboratory and pharmacy to provide quality medical care. The Centre has a modern infrastructure, which includes a fully-equipped operating theatre, a radiology department, and a laboratory. The Centre is committed to providing quality healthcare services to its patients, and to providing a safe and comfortable environment for them. In addition, Centre De Sante Camberene is dedicated to providing medical education and
training to its staff and to the local community. By offering these services, Centre De Sante Camberene is helping to ensure that the people of Senegal have access to the best possible healthcare. In short, Centre De Sante Camberene is a leader in providing quality healthcare in Senegal, and is committed to improving the health of its patients and the community.Carte d'endroit
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