DAROU WAHAB TOURS - Dakar, Senegal
1 Avis
DAROU WAHAB TOURS10, Rue De Thiong, Dakar Plateau338221322/338221323https://www.yelu.sn/img/site/default-business2.jpg
Nom de l'entreprise
10, Rue De Thiong, Dakar Plateau, Senegal
Adresse e-mail
Activités d'affaires
DAROU WAHAB TOURS10, Rue De Thiong, Dakar Plateau338221322/338221323https://www.yelu.sn/img/site/default-business2.jpg
I am really deceived with the service I got from this company.
First they booked me tickets for dates different than what I requested. As I was busy and trusted them, I only checked my tickets a week after they sent it to me. When I told them about the mistake, they made me pay to change the dates. I paid, got the tickets I was expecting and a week before my trip, they changed my booking to put me on earlier flights, this is incredible, terrible. I have never dealt with such non professional people and wondering how they still are in business.
First they booked me tickets for dates different than what I requested. As I was busy and trusted them, I only checked my tickets a week after they sent it to me. When I told them about the mistake, they made me pay to change the dates. I paid, got the tickets I was expecting and a week before my trip, they changed my booking to put me on earlier flights, this is incredible, terrible. I have never dealt with such non professional people and wondering how they still are in business.
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