Gendarmerie Mbour - Senegal
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Nom de l'entreprise
Gendarmerie Mbour
Square Mbour, Mbour, Mbour, Senegal
À propos de
Gendarmerie MBOUR is a security company in Senegal that specializes in providing security services to individuals, businesses and organizations. The company was founded in 2010 and has since become one of the leading security services providers in the country. Gendarmerie MBOUR has a team of highly qualified and experienced personnel who are committed to delivering the highest quality of service to their clients. The company's services include security guard services, bodyguard services, surveillance and monitoring services, as well as patrol and response services. Gendarmerie MBOUR also offers training and consulting services to help clients better understand their security needs and develop appropriate strategies to protect their assets. With its commitment to providing the highest
quality of service, Gendarmerie MBOUR is the go-to security company for those in need of reliable and professional security services in Senegal.Carte d'endroit
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